02 NOVEMBRE 2024 - 18 JANVIER 2025
par Giulia Paoletti
Associate Professor, Department of Art, University of Virginia
October 2024
In the Darkness that Grows Lighter: Ibrahima Thiam’s Spirits
“Listen to Things
More often than Beings,
Hear the voice of fire,
Hear the voice of water.
Listen in the wind,
To the sighs of the bush;
This is the ancestors breathing.
Those who are dead are not ever gone;
They are in the darkness that grows lighter
And in the darkness that grows darker.
The dead are not down in the earth;
They are in the trembling of the trees
In the groaning of the woods,
In the water that runs,
In the water that sleeps,
They are in the hut, they are in the crowd:
The dead are not dead.”
Birago Diop, Breaths, 1960
Since its inception, photography was presented and praised as the technology that could finally make visible what the naked eye could not see. Whether it was the distant body of the moon, or the tiniest bone hidden under our skin, photography has since shown the world as it had never been seen before. Ibrahima Thiam (b. 1976) proposes a new, different question: is photography only about seeing—better and more clearly? Can it, perhaps, make us unsee the world? Can it make us sense the visible, and invisible, beyond our eyes?
First trained in photography in 2009, Ibrahima Thiam has over the past 15 years developed an artistic practice that is as expansive in its aesthetics, as focused as he hones his—and our—ability to perceive the world before and beyond our eyes’ reach. Thiam has moved across media and methods—from the photographic darkroom to open-air installations, from archival interventions to sonic landscapes—all whilst remaining rooted in history, as the sole possibility to chart new imaginaries. For Thiam, to look back is to search for African endogenous vocabularies and cosmologies, that is, local practices of working with and making sense of the in/visible.[i] He offers us, his viewers, an opportunity to see beyond our eyes.
Thiam’s exploration of sight emerged since his first series Reflections (2010), which responded to floodings in his natal Saint Louis.[ii] Rather than taking a documentary approach that shows and denounces, Thiam crafts poetic images that present the city and its inhabitants through their reflections on water puddles. In this series, Thiam renders his beloved city as an apparition, whose surface is riddled and rippling. Saint Louisians are figured as reflections mediated by water and light. Their bodies appear dematerialized, almost ghostly. His photographs upturn and blur planes—that of reality and its reflections—to make palpable natural devastation and human resilience. This early series announces Thiam’s commitment to his immediate environment, but also to an employment of lens-based media, not to show reality-as-is, but to render something deeper, or to use Leopold Sédar Senghor’s words, to render “le sous-reel,” what lies beneath the real.[iii] What if there was more to reality’s appearance?
Starting from 2014, Thiam has embraced the archival as a critical methodology to his practice of excavating the history of making visible and making sense. The archives he has mined are tangible and intangible, private and public, visual and oral, colonial and profoundly personal, because as he explains, each offers the opportunity to revisit and reinterpret one’s history.[iv] In two of his series, Images of Yesterday (2015) and Vintage Series (2016), Thiam uses vintage black-and-white prints from his collection of Senegalese photography of the independence era to reconnect temporalities, aesthetics and subjectivities. In the installation Images of Yesterday, he cites and celebrates the site of the photographic studio with its checkered motifs, and the Saint Louisian bridal photographic rooms known as xoymet as archival forms in themselves.[v]In Vintage Series, he portrays contemporary Senegalese holding black-and-white portraits over their faces to withhold their likeness.[vi] As we look at these images-within-images, we can only wonder: who are these masked sitters if not the image of their ancestors?
The series Maam Coumba Castel presented here for the first time for the Dakar Biennial 2024 is part of Thiam’s larger and ongoing research on endogenous knowledges and on the relation between the visible and the invisible. It was in 2017 that Thiam started researching the Lebou community in Senegal, their cosmologies and healing practices such as the N’döep. As part of this research, Thiam conducted interviews, read books, attended the ritual of the N’döep and consulted the archives at the IFAN in Dakar, where he then designed a site-specific installation titled Aarou maag nii using archival and contemporary photographs.[vii] Eventually Thiam chose to focus on the cult of genies and ancestral spirits (jinn or rab in Wolof), which animate the Lebou cosmology, and are shared with other groups across Senegal, the West African region and the Black Atlantic.[viii]
Thiam has since created four series devoted to distinct spirits and their associated costal town, namely: Maam Coumba Bang in Saint-Louis (2018), Maam Ndeuk Daour Mbaye in Dakar (2020), Maam Njaré Jaw in Yöff (2020), and the latest Maam Coumba Castel in Gorée Island (2024).[ix] For Thiam, they are “invisible spirits and forces who protect their towns and communities, living between the visible and invisible worlds, between land and water. These mystical presences are half-woman, half-man, half-animal.”[x] These beings indeed transform. They exist in the liminal, as they morph, making it impossible to fix them. In front of Thiam’s lens, Maam Ndeuk Daour Mbaye appears with a human-like body, a head of a white horse and gris-gris around the neck. Maam Njaré materializes at times embodied in a fully covered figure; at times, as marked through its absence, in the negative space of a cave, or in the residue of an abandoned calabash. Maam Coumba Castel blurs in its glowing sparkly-red-robe against the dark night sky. Each spirit is presented with distinctive props that recall diverse African aesthetics. Maam Njaré’s coiffure echoes the Saint Louisian Nguuka; her beaded coral-red mask reminds Yoruba royal attire. Maam Coumba Castel’s conical-shaped headdress is reminiscent for its volume of Bamana helmet masks or Bwa leafy headgear.[xi] Such disparate references should not be seen as abstracted or unspecified signs to indicate these figures’ essential Africanness, as found for example in the paintings of the first generation of the École de Dakar.[xii] Rather, these indefinite attributes suggest these spirits’ liminality, that is, their ability to exceed specific categories. What we see, is but their masks.
To photograph these spirits is to ask the impossible: can we see the invisible? Thiam once stated that, “Thereare people who can see and others who cannot.”[xiii] His series mediate the possibility of an encounter with the spirits. Like in his earlier work, Thiam is not documenting these beings’ existence. Each photograph is not presented as an indexical trace or visual proof of a miraculous embodiment that we can finally all witness. On the contrary, Thiam has stated his desire to “mettre en scène […] leur épopée.”[xiv] And as he stages their mythology, Thiam is not searching for accuracy. He cherishes instead these beings’ ability to “shed light on our way of being in the world.” He explains that these genies invite us to “reflect on ourselves, our relationships, and the world we inhabit.” [xv] As such, these spirits, and by extension their photographs, serve as a mirror for the viewer to reflect on their own experience.
The centrality of orality and performance in Thiam’s oeuvre cannot be overstated. Photography is without-a-doubt his chosen medium, yet, his images—these spirits—are rooted in oral histories, those that are narrated and passed down from generation to generation. As such, his photographs activate the medium’s “citational possibilities,” as they recall and enact “a récit.”[xvi] The photograph becomes a device to remember and reactivate what has been forgotten or has been latent. Similarly, in preparing such performances—as he prepares the script, the props, the costumes, the setting, the actors, the installation—Thiam finds inspiration in the scholarly literature, archives, and first-hand accounts, to eventually “transcend the limits of the archive.”[xvii] Thiam renounces any claim of veracity or realism, which in contrast the colonial power had valued so much. If the colonial gaze confidently, and falsely, claimed that it was showing “the real” in its primitivizing photographs, Thiam is offering a counter narrative, where sight is instead limited and possibly misleading. We can then speak of Thiam’s dressing the spirits, both as a practice and a metaphor, where artifice is essential to move beyond reality, and its constraints. In fewer words, Thiam is not making the spirits visible, he is asking us to unsee them, and sense them beyond our eyes’ reach.
Curators Okwui Enwezor and Margaret Nagawa have noted the “insistent presence” of the human figure in the contemporary African art, whereby artists have foregrounded the subject’s representation to insist on their existence and humanity.[xviii] If many artists have done so by magnifying the sitters’ likeness through a “surfacist aesthetic” as in Seydou Keïta’s photographs, Ibrahima Thiam has explored a distinct new path.[xix]In Thiam’s work, we will encounter figures, but if they are featured, they will be masked or moving, blurred or invisible. In rendering the flickery and metamorphic presence of these spirits, Thiam invites his viewers to look and see—sense—beyond the ocular.[xx] He invites us, like Birago Diop had before him in his poem, to listen to things, more often than beings.
[i] Thiam’s interest in history manifests as he actively collects, curates and researches the histories of photography and art in Senegal, and Africa more broadly. He has documented the pioneers of Senegalese photographers and exhibited their work as in the case of Oumar Ka at the Dakar OFF 2018.
[ii] Personal interview with Ibrahima Thiam, Dakar 17/10/2011. See also: “Ibrahima Thiam - Dakar and Bamako,” accessed October 24, 2024, http://dakar-bamako-photo.eu/en/ibrahima-thiam.html.
[iii] Giulia Paoletti, “Contre la mimèsis : Léopold Sédar Senghor sur l’art et la photographie africains,” in Déborder la négritude. Arts, politique et société à Dakar, ed. Mamadou Diouf and Maureen Murphy (Paris: Les presses du réel, 2020), 69–86.
[iv] Ibrahima Thiam and Giulia Paoletti, “Ibrahima Thiam, Photographe, Entretien Avec Giulia Paoletti,” Troubles Dans Les Collections 3, no. Janvier (2022): https://troublesdanslescollections.fr/numeros/linstitut-fictionnel-dafrique-noire/ibrahima-thiam-photographe/.
[v] Giulia Paoletti, “Rhizomatic Impulse: A History of the Xoymet or Photo-Walls in Senegal,” RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, Forthcoming.
[vi] Beth A. Buggenhagen, The Future Is in Your Hands : Portrait Photography from Senegal, (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press Bloomington, Indiana, 2023).
[vii] Very influential to his research was Professor Omar Ndoye’s N’döep, transe thérapeutique chez les Lébous du Sénégal (2010). Details on his installation at the IFAN are here: https://www.ohgallery.net/actualites-2022/dakart-2022-projet-special-ibrahima-thiam
[viii] These spirits are anchored in Lebou cosmology, but they are also connected to the jinn discussed in the Coran, and to other figures such as Mami Wata, a water spirit found across the continent and its diaspora.
[ix] There are other spirits Thiam is planning on exploring namely Maam Coumba Lambaye from Rufisque, and Maam Penda Sarr from Ngawlé.
[x] Joseph L. Underwood and Ibrahima Thiam, “Contemporary Mythos of Spirits and Genies: A Conversation with Ibrahima Thiam,” African Arts 57, no. 2 (June 1, 2024): 50, https://doi.org/10.1162/afar_a_00754.
[xi] I thank Yaëlle Biro for the reference on the Bwa leaf masks.
[xii] See for instance Ibou Diouf, Boubacar Coulibaly and Khalipa Gueye’s inclusions of masks in their works. See Okwui Enwezor and Octavio Zaya, “Negritude, Pan-Africanism, and Postcolonial African Identity: African Portrait Photography,” in Modern Art in Africa, Asia, and Latin America: An Introduction to Global Modernisms, ed. Elaine O’Brien et al. (Chichester, West Sussex, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), 48–57. chapter 5 in: Joshua I Cohen, The “Black Art” Renaissance African Sculpture and Modernism across Continents, 2020.
[xiii] Personal interview with Ibrahima Thiam, Dakar, June 27, 2024
[xiv] Thiam and Paoletti, “Ibrahima Thiam, Photographe, Entretien Avec Giulia Paoletti.”
[xv] Underwood and Thiam, “Contemporary Mythos of Spirits and Genies,” 50.
[xvi] Hayes, Patricia and Minkley, Gary, “Introduction: Africa and the Ambivalence of Seeing,” in Ambivalent: Photography and Visibility in African History, ed. Patricia Hayes and Minkley, Gary (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2019), 23.
[xvii] Underwood and Thiam, “Contemporary Mythos of Spirits and Genies,” 50.
[xviii] Margaret Nagawa, Insistent Presence : Contemporary African Art from the Chazen Collection (New York, NY: Thames & Hudson, Inc, 2023).
[xix] Christopher Pinney, “Notes from the Surface of the Image,” in Photography’s Other Histories, ed. Christopher Pinney and Nicolas Peterson (Durham [N.C.]; London: Duke University Press, 2003), 202–20.
[xx] On the tension on seeing and the invisible in African art see: Susan Elizabeth Gagliardi, Seeing the Unseen : Arts of Power Associations on the Senufo-Mande Cultural “Frontier,” (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2023).
- L A B I B L I O T H È Q U E -
La rencontre avec La Bibliothèque, autour de l’exposition de Ibrahima Thiam, aura lieu
le samedi 16 novembre 2024 de 15h à 18h.
c o n v e r s a t i o n
- R E N C O N T R E -
Conversation avec l’artiste Ibrahima Thiam
le jeudi 05 décembre 2024 à 15h.
Modération Carole Diop
media > videoS
Conversation entre Ibrahima Thiam, Carole Diop et Océane Harati


Les Lébous de la presqu’ile du Cap-Vert
Texte de François Nbebou Ntab
Octobre 2024
Les populations d'Afrique subsaharienne se sont installées progressivement à travers une succession de migrations, passant d'abord par le Sahara, puis la vallée du Nil, la boucle du Niger et le fleuve Sénégal. Le Sénégal abrite une diversité ethnique notable où coexistent plusieurs groupes partageant des valeurs communes, telles que le cousinage à la plaisanterie, dans un climat social harmonieux. Parmi les principaux groupes, on trouve les Wolofs, majoritaires et présents notamment à Dakar, Thiès et Louga, ainsi que les Peuls (ou Fulas), dispersés dans tout le pays, particulièrement dans le Fouta Toro. Les Sérères, installés à Fatick, Kaolack et Diourbel, et les Lébous, habitant la presqu'île du Cap-Vert, sont également des ethnies importantes. En Casamance, les Diolas, Mandingues, Balantes, Mancagnes et Bainounks
partagent une culture régionale forte, ancrée dans les traditions agricoles. Dans l’Est du Sénégal, les Bassaris et Coniaguis se distinguent par des pratiques culturelles uniques, souvent animistes. Les Toucouleurs sont principalement établis dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal, tout comme les Soninkés, qui partagent des liens historiques avec les Peuls. Les Bambaras et les Maures, bien que minoritaires, enrichissent également ce paysage ethnique varié, présents respectivement dans certaines zones urbaines et à la frontière nord avec la Mauritanie. Chacun de ces groupes contribue à la richesse culturelle et au dynamisme social du Sénégal.
Les Lébous, très proche des Wolofs, est un peuple négro-africains dont les origines sont souvent sujettes à diverses interprétations. L’histoire de leur installation sur la Presqu'île du Cap-Vert (pointe extrême occidentale du Sénégal) où vivaient déjà les Socés commence probablement dans le contexte des échanges inter-africains et de la colonisation européenne, qui a bouleversé les structures sociales, économiques et culturelles des populations côtières. Leur migration s'est faite par vagues successives de petits groupes venus de diverses régions du Sénégal, Chaque nouvelle composante apportant une partie de sa culture à l'édification du groupe. (Thiam, 1970).
Ces familles se sont dispersées en plusieurs lieux appelés Penc le long du littoral sénégalais, de la grande-côte (Saint-Louis) jusqu’à la Petite-Côte (Mbour), et de façon plus dense sur la presqu’île du Cap-Vert et la zone de Rufisque. Les 12 villages traditionnels de Dakar portent les noms de Kaay Findiw, Santhiaba, Mbakeundeu, Guy Salaan, Hock, Ngaraaf, Thieurigne, Yakh Dieuf, Diècko, Mbot, Thieudeme et Kaay Ousmane Diène et sont en liens avec 12 plages. Dans chaque Penc se trouve généralement un grand arbre, au pied duquel se tiennent les conseils de village, un espace en plein air où sont organisées les fêtes et les cérémonies, ainsi qu’une mosquée. Historiquement les Lébous y pratiquaient la pêche maritime et l’agriculture maraîchère surtout dans les zones de Niayes. À l’image des autres ethnies du Sénégal, les Lébous restent toujours attachés à leurs croyances traditionnelles, malgré leur adhésion aux religions abrahamiques (Ndiaye, 1981). Ces croyances sont intégrées dans leur vie quotidienne et leurs pratiques culturelles, et témoignent de la richesse du patrimoine oral et spirituel.
Il existe beaucoup de génies comme Ndeuk Daour Mbaye (Dakar), Maam Njaré Jaw et Maaam Woré Moll (Yoff), Maam Mbossé (Kaolack), Maam Nguedj (Joal-Fadiouth), Maam Mindiss (Fatick), Mame Coumba Castel (Gorée), Maam Coumba Lamb (Rufisque), Maam Coumba Paye (Mboth), Maam Coumba Bang (Saint-Louis), Ker Cupaam (Popenguine), Maam Ndogal (Bargny), Fenda Goudeyni (Bakel), Maam Ndéw (Djilor), Mbaye Thiowe (Ouakam), Maam Nguésou (Mboule) et Coumba Thioupane que l’on retrouve jusqu'au Brésil. Tous jouent un rôle dans plusieurs domaines allant des croyances spirituelles à la gestion pratique des ressources naturelles. De plus, considérés comme protecteurs des sources d’eau, ils assurent une fonction cruciale dans les cérémonies de purification et servent de symbole d’identité pour les Lébous.
Maam Coumba Castel est une figure légendaire au Sénégal, souvent associée aux esprits ou génies de l'eau qui sont profondément enracinés dans les cultures locales, en particulier sur l'île de Gorée (….)
François Nbebou NTAB est historien de formation et un professionnel du patrimoine culturel, titulaire d’un Master en Développement option gestion du patrimoine culturel à l’Université Senghor à Alexandrie (Égypte).
François possède une expérience professionnelle de plusieurs années dans le secteur culturel, ayant travaillé sur divers projets liés à la préservation du patrimoine culturel et à la promotion des arts. Ses recherches sont souvent orientées vers les questions de sauvegarde et de promotion du patrimoine culturel, matériel et immatériel.
Il a travaillé dans des structures telles que le Musée des Civilisations Noires, la Direction du patrimoine culturel et OH GALLERY. Son parcours l’a amené à collaborer avec des artistes, des organisations et des communautés locales, ce qui lui a permis de comprendre l'importance de la culture comme levier de développement. Dans ce monde en pleine mutation, il est convaincu que l'acculturation constitue une crise identitaire et que l’avenir appartient à ceux qui sauront conserver et valoriser leur patrimoine culturel. Il est particulièrement intéressé par les dynamiques de collaboration entre les différents acteurs culturels et considère que chaque voix compte pour cette mission.
Depuis peu, François a rejoint les équipes de l’UNESCO à Dakar et occupe le poste d'Assistant de projets au secteur culture.
Disponible à la galerie
Portrait vintage, ibrahima thiam
Disponible à la galerie
© Antoine Tempé
Ibrahima Thiam
Ibrahima Thiam est un artiste et photographe sénégalais né en 1976 à Saint-Louis au Sénégal. Il s’intéresse aux questions de la mémoire, des archives, de l’oralité africaine ainsi qu’aux mythes et légendes. Ibrahima collecte des images. Certaines, issues de ses propres archives familiales, contribuent fortement à forger son imaginaire. Il développe également depuis quelques années une thématique qui tend à mettre en lumière les divinités des communautés Lebu, et leur univers. Après avoir présentés les séries Maam Njaré, Ndeuk Ndaour et Maam Coumba Bang, il présente en 2024 la figure de Maam Coumba Castel, après une résidence de plusieurs semaines que l’artiste a effectué à Gorée.
Le travail de Ibrahima a été récemment présenté dans plusieurs expositions et institutions dans le monde : RAW Material Company et le Musée Théodore Monod à Dakar, KINDL en Allemagne, Tainan Art Museum (Taiwan), Chazen museum (USA), Olso museum (Norvège), Stanley Museum (USA) pour ne citer qu’eux. Il fait également parti de la sélection internationale de la 10e édition des Rencontres de Bamako en 2015 et du projet spécial Teg bët gëstu gi de la Biennale de Dakar en 2022.
Ibrahima Thiam vit et travaille entre Dakar et Saint-Louis et fait également parti du collectif Dry Ocean.
© Antoine Tempé
Giulia Paoletti is Associate Professor in the Department of Art at the University of Virginia. A historian and curator of art and photography her research focuses on nineteenth and twentieth century African art. Her book Portrait and Place: Photography in Senegal, 1840-1960 (Princeton University Press, 2024) offers the first extended study of photography in one of Africa’s epicenters of modernity. Her work has appeared in edited volumes and journals including Art History, Cahiers d'études africaines, the Metropolitan Museum Journal, Journal of African History, Troubles dans les collections and African Arts and MoMA Post. Support for her research and writing include awards and fellowships from American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)/Getty; The Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA); the National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She has co-curated three exhibitions on historical and contemporary photography from Africa at the Metropolitan Museum, the Wallach Gallery and Dak’art Biennial OFF 2018. With her colleague Dr. Sandrine Colard, she is currently working on an exhibition project on the relation between photography and textile.